Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Project #3 Planning, Comprehensives, ect.

Planning: For this project I wanted to do the tutorial first before I actually went with it. After I found it was relatively achievable I went to sketch variations of the tattoo so I knew what I wanted. Mainly I played around with the skull design and kept the rest the same.
Comprehensive: Design #1 is a good representation of the sketch I finally chose. Its less of a skull and more of a helmet of some sorts and with the tribal design on either side. For #2 I decided to keep the helmet somewhat the same but change everything else. It was meant to look like wings coming from behind the helmet and added flair below them, however it kinda looks like a spider. For #3 I took elements from both #1 and #2, modified them and took out the more busy parts. 



Feedback: Please comment and give me some feedback, it would be much appreciated.

Friday, December 10, 2010

New project #3

So for my next project i was thinking of making a tattoo design. i have about 3 pages of diffent designs that would look great as a tattoo. However i really dont think many of them would be easy to make on the computor so i searched the internet for some tattoo tutorials in illustrator. I found one the othere day and it showed me how to make a really cool design only using the pen tool and pathfinder. Its basically a skull in the middle with "pieces of flair" coming out from the sides of the skull. I figure ill put my own personal touch to it to make it my own. So to sum it up: Specifications- tattoo design that builds off of original tutorial design. Going to change the skull and keep the pieces of flair the same. Any other changes will come with time. Research- Was finding the tattoo tutorial. Sketching various skulls to find the best one

Monday, December 6, 2010

Project #2 Buisness Card

This is a business card design for one of the service technicians at a car dealership, John Johnson Dodge. The purpose for the redesign was that the card needed to be updated. Two new logos need to be added along with the job description and a font type change. Being that the client wanted the design and layout to stay relatively the same, so this gave me little freedom for any kind of rearrangement for the additional logos. I chose to have the dealerships logo remain at the top middle since it is the dealerships logo and most important. To give the card the best possible look, I decided the SMS and ASE logos should go on either side of the Johnson logo and somewhat below it to distinguish importance. Other than the placement of the two logos, the rest of the layout remained the same, as per the clients request. However, being that I didn't receive the vector images I had requested, I had to search the internet for acceptable replacements. The ASE and SMS logos were manageable enough to use downloaded images but the Johnson logo I had to recreate from scratch. I pretty much had the original card on hand everyday for comparison and reference.
New Skills Learned: Though I had not learned any new skills to create the business card, I did learn how to work with a real life client and have a successful initial meeting with them.
Self Reflection: Looking back, i found this project fairly irritating yet simple. The layout, text, and background of the card was easy to achieve since they didn't change from the original. The logos were a different story however. I could not find any FREE svg images and the client had never sent me the ones I had asked for so I had to settle for google images for the SMS and ASE logos. However the John Johnson, being the focal point of the card, had to look the best so I had to recreate that one. Finding a font that looked right was the toughest part and everything else came relatively easy. All in all, I am very pleased with how this project turned out, though it took much longer than expected.
Participation/Project: 10/8

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Project Update

So the other day i sent out the draft of the buisness card design and the reponse was good. Had to make a slight modification to one of the logos so i just went back fixed it and sent the next draft out. Hopefully i will recieve a reponse quickly so that i can work on the final product. Although there was a minor delay in the design, ive still yet to recieve any form of vector image to use for the logos and i cannot find them on the internet. Will keep you all posted

Monday, November 8, 2010

Business Card Project continued

As of now the first draft of the design has been sent to my client. The draft however still lacks the vector images needed to really make the logos look good but until then the images I found on the Internet will have to suffice. Currently I am awaiting confirmation that the draft has been received so that critiquing can begin so that a final can be produced. Thats all for now

Monday, October 25, 2010

New Project

Hey everyone, so my next project is redesigning a buisness card for a car dealership. I had a meeting with the boss last saturday and it went well i would say. This should be a short term project, in the immediate. The first draft will be done in 1 class period depending on when i recieve the vector images and then ill proceed with the final buisness card after it is approved. When i had the meeting with the client, he wanted the design as is although with two new logos, the SMS Supercar and ASE logo. Awell the were some minor changes in information on the card such as the job title.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Next project

Ok so my first project is coming to a close, my t-shirt design is in the process of being printed and should be done in a week. For my next project Im thinking of doing a possible movie or video game redesign. Last year I had recreated a "Gears of War" cover but I cant exactly use that again so I need to find a new one. I was thinking of maybe doing something like "Grand Theft Auto". But of course thats only one idea, my father is also in need of new business cards, or maybe a tattoo design.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Project #1 T-Shirt Design

Hey all,

     For my first project this year I wanted to create a t-shirt design. I wanted to get my name out there and show off what I am am capable of doing. I used illustrator for creating the design, photoshop to clean up the design and then back to illustrator for the t-shirt printer to use. On the front of the sirt is my initials "KW" and on the back is the name of my deign complany if you would call it that with the shield deign I created. To achieve the design I used the line segment tool and paintbrush tools for the logos and live tracing to clean them up when transfering them from photoshop back to illustrator.  Looking back, overall it was not a difficult project however getting the shield logo almost perfect in terms of what I invisioned it too look like was very time consuming as well as decideing a color that would look good aswell as practicle. Although I did not learn new skills persay, I did learn ways to clean images up useing photoshop then returnign them back to illustrator. On a scale from 1 to 10 my participation is a 10/10, I had no help with the design only having it printed. The project overal would be a 8/10, the project was successful however the layout of the t-shirt couldve been better and I may have rushed just to have the shirt printed. Please comment and rate, feedback is much apprieciated.

Friday, October 8, 2010

tshirt design

hi everyone. its been a while since i updated the blog so let me fill you in. i am currently making a tshirt design that would get my name out there. im almost done making a few changes of color, placement, and fiddling with the overal look. should have it done soon and will post the final version.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Current Project

My first project is just around the corner. For this project will be creating a t-shirt design with my logo or a revamped logo. The purpose of this is to get my name out there, to let people know what I do. This shouldn't take too long, maybe a few class periods to think of what I want to do and where I want to put things and then transfer my ideas onto the computer.

Monday, September 20, 2010

First blog post!

Red Eagle's word today is on summer reflections. Looking back on my summer I definitely feel as if I could've done much much more, however I am content with what I did. I worked, went on vacation, ended a relationship(one of the best decisions of my life), and just over all relaxed. I really wanted to go in strong for this school year, which includes really getting on the ball with my Graphic designing skills, and this is what this blog is primarily about, graphic designing. Anything I create will ultimately end up posted here and subjected it to criticism and suggestions on how to improve. By all means tell me what you think! but of course not all of my posts will be about graphic design, some may be reflections on current events and m positions on such, or just me venting. So this ends todays Red Eagles Word, talk to you all later, have a good one.