Monday, September 20, 2010

First blog post!

Red Eagle's word today is on summer reflections. Looking back on my summer I definitely feel as if I could've done much much more, however I am content with what I did. I worked, went on vacation, ended a relationship(one of the best decisions of my life), and just over all relaxed. I really wanted to go in strong for this school year, which includes really getting on the ball with my Graphic designing skills, and this is what this blog is primarily about, graphic designing. Anything I create will ultimately end up posted here and subjected it to criticism and suggestions on how to improve. By all means tell me what you think! but of course not all of my posts will be about graphic design, some may be reflections on current events and m positions on such, or just me venting. So this ends todays Red Eagles Word, talk to you all later, have a good one.

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