Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Project Update

So the other day i sent out the draft of the buisness card design and the reponse was good. Had to make a slight modification to one of the logos so i just went back fixed it and sent the next draft out. Hopefully i will recieve a reponse quickly so that i can work on the final product. Although there was a minor delay in the design, ive still yet to recieve any form of vector image to use for the logos and i cannot find them on the internet. Will keep you all posted


  1. If you can't finish the design, you may have to remake the logos for your use, be careful of giving that work to them. You should be communicating the proofs as PDFs. Also, put images up of your designs, it adds to the blog posts value and allows users/commenters the ability to make suggestions. It would be good to have read the specifics in the original proposal/post. That way we have an idea of direction.

  2. I was abe to finish th design thankfully with what i had available and i have been going back and forth with the client with PDFs over email. I will be sure to post the designs and the original specifics asap

  3. I really think that the card looks great. The only problems I saw with it was that you have to clean up on the excess colors around the logos and that the spacing is a little off between the bullet points. Other than that I really like the card.
