Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Project #3 Planning, Comprehensives, ect.

Planning: For this project I wanted to do the tutorial first before I actually went with it. After I found it was relatively achievable I went to sketch variations of the tattoo so I knew what I wanted. Mainly I played around with the skull design and kept the rest the same.
Comprehensive: Design #1 is a good representation of the sketch I finally chose. Its less of a skull and more of a helmet of some sorts and with the tribal design on either side. For #2 I decided to keep the helmet somewhat the same but change everything else. It was meant to look like wings coming from behind the helmet and added flair below them, however it kinda looks like a spider. For #3 I took elements from both #1 and #2, modified them and took out the more busy parts. 



Feedback: Please comment and give me some feedback, it would be much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. looks like a combination of batman and spiderman. fresh
