Skills Learned: In the design of the cover, I had to spend a lot of time looking at already created covers to see proper layout of information such as ratings and disclaimers. Although no new photoshop skills were learned, I did learn a better grasp of layout and organization.
Self Reflection: I feel that the final product came out well. Although a problems that I did run into were finding fonts that matched the theme and completely scraping my original design that was made last year. I did feel though that the back portion could have been better, more eye catchy to make you want to read the description. Also it was quite difficult to find a picture where I cold read the text to recreate it in the new cover, I ended up bringing in my own copy of the came for all the text eeded. Aside from that I enjoyed working on this project and the cover looks pretty good when its in a game box.
Project/Participation: 10/8
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