Description: This is a design for a tattoo and or car decal. The design was inspired by a tutorial I found online,, by slicktutorials. I wanted to keep it similar because I liked the look, however wanted to alter it slightly to make an original design. First I went to sketch possible deign changes, particularly the skull in the middle. I then proceeded to recreate the design with #1 and #2, as you can see in the picture to the left. However I wasn't completely happy with the overall appearance and decided to replace aspects of the design and that is how #3 came to be. Although it looked cool there was just too much going on so I removed aspects and then took others from #1 and #2 with alterations in the look, this making the final design. Unlike its original purpose of just being a tattoo, the final design really jumped out at me as something I could see on the hood of a car or enlarged to be put on the rear window such as the ones you can buy for trucks that are one way decals and can see through them from the inside.
Skills Learned: In this project I learned how to properly use the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. Everything in this project was created using the pen tool and I now have a firm grasp of what can be accomplished with it.
Self Reflection: For some reason this project was in a way a lot harder than anticipated. I was working with a tool Ive never really worked with before and had to get each side symmetrical with each other. When I eventually got the hang of the whole prosess everything became easier and i was more confident in my work. I feel in the end that I did a fairly decent job in meeting the goal of creating one sick looking tattoo and even the possibility of a car decal which is something profitable. Yes it did take quite the while to finish but in my mind its time well spent.
Participation/Project: 10/8
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