Monday, June 20, 2011

Final Exam

So the end of the year is here and this is my final project. The task was to take a piece of art, and turn it into a graphic design. I choose to use a previous project of mine, which turned out to be my tattoo design, as it didn't really sent a clear message, so it's more of art than graphic design. I then tried to figure out how I could take that and make it send a message. I thought, what better graphic design than to make an advertisement. I choose to take my blog's name, Red Eagle, and make that the name of the company. The company being a graphic design company. Put in the name, and motto, then played around with the position of art, to work it into the advertisement. That lead me to the final draft of the advertisement, being this. Simple but gets the message across. The name of the company, the motto, then a logo to represent the style of the graphics.

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