Monday, May 16, 2011

Project #8: CD Redesign

    So for my next project, I figured why not do a redesign of a cd cover for one of my favorite bands. however why stop at a redesign, and why not just create an entirely new album cover for a fictional future album. I am already working on it now, and will be honoring Motley Crue.
    Basically the theme for this cover was in reference to an album called "Dr. Feelgood". The first design I wanted to implement an aspect from an old T-shirt I had, that being the "Dr.X" logo that you see below. As per the title, as its a reference to the "Dr. Feelgood" album, I named it "The Doctor Is Back". However this cover just seemed lacking and overall boring.

    So I went back and took an aspect of the original album cover and replaced the "Dr.X" logo with the medical symbol. I put a red glow around it and then a gradient to the black background to further add to the overall design. I also looked up other album covers by them to see the kind of style they used. They had relatively simple designs, but designs that were eye catching. That what I tried to achieve with the final cover design.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Project #6 Science Academy Poster

Description: Finally this project is coming to a close. The purpose of this project was to organize imformation given to me by a Science Academy student into a professional and visually appealing science fair poster for him to use. Each science student was given 2 graphics students, ad at the end would decide which design to use. The poster underwent several changes over the course of our collaboration, so that the poster met all of his specifications. Eventually he approved the final product, and has been printed. All that is left to do is have him pick it up and everything is said and done. This project had taken almost 2 months, as he had gotten the information out late and due to several absences of mine, the overall progression was hindered on more than one occassionThe poster includes around 20 slides worth of information and 8 pictures. If he choses my design, it will be used at the science fair.  
Skills Learned: Over the course of the project I was able to develope better organizational skills along with collaboration skills. 
Self Reflection: I feel that in the time I was actually given to complete the design I was able to produce a decent representation of information being presented. I took on the responsibilies and accomplished the task at hand. Could this project been completed much sooner, yes, however set backs had well set back the project, set backs that happen and need to be taken with a grain of sand. 
Project/Participation: 9/10