Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Project #7: PGC Recycling Poster

So currently i am working on a recycling poster for the PGC department. The slogan I chose to use was "Dont be Trashy, Recycle". Basically translate that into a simple, eye catching poster to get the message across to recycle.  The below image is what I have come up with, please comment and give feedback. It would be much apprieciated!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Project #5 Band Logo(continued)

     Alright, although my client hasnt really chosen a final design yet, the project is coming to a close. There have been several logos created and they are all below. When i have the final design I will post it along with the entire end of project descripsions.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Project #6 Science Academy Poster (FINALLY!)

So i have finally begun working on the science academy poster project. i have a same poster done and have sent it to the studenet who i am working with. although i still dont have the information that will be eventually put into the project, i can atleast say that there is now some progress being made. this will be worked on along side project #5

Project #5 Band Logo (continued)

I am still working with the client on reaching a final design for the logo. It appears that this will take more time that anticipated as he has just now finally put some input on what he actually wants. I have made serveral more variations but most dont reflect his new specifications. Something hip, looks like its from new york city. This one is the best representation of that spec., almost looks like something you'd see in a club. Again i am continously working on this project and will keep everyone updated on the progress.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Project #5 Band Logo

Alright so at the moment the info graphic project with the sciene acedemy is on hold until I recive the information. So as on now I am currently working on the logo for my friends band. After a few presentations to him of possible final designs he picked out these last 4 to continue to work on. The name is Dakota Badlands, so I felt a kind of desert/desperado look would fit the name and fortunately he liked a few of those. Will continue to work with him until a final is chosen, will keep yall informed