Monday, October 25, 2010

New Project

Hey everyone, so my next project is redesigning a buisness card for a car dealership. I had a meeting with the boss last saturday and it went well i would say. This should be a short term project, in the immediate. The first draft will be done in 1 class period depending on when i recieve the vector images and then ill proceed with the final buisness card after it is approved. When i had the meeting with the client, he wanted the design as is although with two new logos, the SMS Supercar and ASE logo. Awell the were some minor changes in information on the card such as the job title.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Next project

Ok so my first project is coming to a close, my t-shirt design is in the process of being printed and should be done in a week. For my next project Im thinking of doing a possible movie or video game redesign. Last year I had recreated a "Gears of War" cover but I cant exactly use that again so I need to find a new one. I was thinking of maybe doing something like "Grand Theft Auto". But of course thats only one idea, my father is also in need of new business cards, or maybe a tattoo design.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Project #1 T-Shirt Design

Hey all,

     For my first project this year I wanted to create a t-shirt design. I wanted to get my name out there and show off what I am am capable of doing. I used illustrator for creating the design, photoshop to clean up the design and then back to illustrator for the t-shirt printer to use. On the front of the sirt is my initials "KW" and on the back is the name of my deign complany if you would call it that with the shield deign I created. To achieve the design I used the line segment tool and paintbrush tools for the logos and live tracing to clean them up when transfering them from photoshop back to illustrator.  Looking back, overall it was not a difficult project however getting the shield logo almost perfect in terms of what I invisioned it too look like was very time consuming as well as decideing a color that would look good aswell as practicle. Although I did not learn new skills persay, I did learn ways to clean images up useing photoshop then returnign them back to illustrator. On a scale from 1 to 10 my participation is a 10/10, I had no help with the design only having it printed. The project overal would be a 8/10, the project was successful however the layout of the t-shirt couldve been better and I may have rushed just to have the shirt printed. Please comment and rate, feedback is much apprieciated.

Friday, October 8, 2010

tshirt design

hi everyone. its been a while since i updated the blog so let me fill you in. i am currently making a tshirt design that would get my name out there. im almost done making a few changes of color, placement, and fiddling with the overal look. should have it done soon and will post the final version.